Census Records
The When, Where, and How of a Valuable Genealogical Resource

For years, questions regarding census records in Germany were questions often asked but never answered. In 2014, Prof. Roger P. Minert of Brigham Young University decided that those questions need to be addressed. If census records are nearly always the first records sought out by researchers in the United States and in several European nations, why then did nobody ever talk about German census records? Over the next two years (one-fourth of that time being spent in Europe), Prof. Minert learned the answers to these basic questions: Why were census records compiled, when was this done, where and with what content? How did census records differ among the 38 states that comprised the German Empire of 1871 to 1918? His book appeared in the summer of 2016 and offers answers to these and other questions. Of especial value are Minert’s instructions on how to determine if and where census records have survived, whether they are available on Microfilm or as digital images, and how researchers can gain access to these potentially invaluable records. Whereas Minert is careful to indicate that many German census records have not been preserved, those that have might be of great value to the modern researcher of German family history.
Released June 2016
ISBN: 978-1-62859-077-7
Roger P. Minert PH.D., A.G.
260 total pages, including front matter and index
Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
Perfect binding, and some color images
DMT Publishing
North Salt Lake, Utah
Shipping Costs
Shipping costs $5.00 per book. Books are sent via Media Mail.
Table of Contents

Sample Pages

Tel: 801-374-2587
Created by: Susan E. Sirrine
What the experts have to say:
What a happy ending! After all these years, family historians are no longer discouraged by futile searches into that formerly hidden and unorganized body of German censuses. Let's sit back and listen to the cheers from both sides of the water!
—Shirley J. Riemer, author of German Research Companion and editor of Der Blumenbaum
Dr. Minert's stupendous work has opened up a new world for German researchers. No longer must one lament that census records are inaccessible or even "non-existent." He has made census records known and accessible. All German genealogists should have this book and make it a standard reference in their research.
—Dr. Fritz Juengling, Research Specialist, Family History Library
This is truly a groundbreaking work! Roger Minert refutes the conventional knowledge that censuses were not taken in most German lands, with numerous examples proving that they do exist. He not only describes censuses taken in the German Empire, state by state, but gives pointers on where to obtain them. This opens a whole new realm to explore.
—Ernst L. Thode, author and lecturer in Germanic family history
This book draws the attention of historians and genealogists to almost totally unknown resources. This is an amazing treasure for research in the German Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Roger Minert introduces researchers to the development and nature of census records and he encourages us to seek out and utilize those records. This is a gigantic step for genealogy in Germany.
—Dirk Weissleder, President of the Federation of German Genealogy Societies